
Showing posts from May, 2021

OSI Layer Model

 Data Encapsulation When the OUM’s student is trying to access the OnlineLearning system located in the OUM network facilities using modem connection, the underlying operating system in the student’s computer will transform the request into data or payload. Since the data is made at the Application Layer which is the Layer 7 of OSI Layer Model, specified protocol of formatting the data will be used. Assumed that the student is accessing the OnlineLearning system through a web browser, HTTP requests will be made. The process of encapsulation will take place so that the Application Layer places a header field that contains information such as fonts and screen size and then passes the data to the Presentation Layer which is Layer 6 of OSI Layer Model.       When the data which can be referred as protocol data unit (PDU) on the Application Layer is sent to the next layer, the Presentation Layer will provide a mapping of different syntax which is data will be translated between application