
Showing posts from June, 2021

Group Project Presentation


TCP/IP Setting Manual

Manual on how to configure the IP address on the server

Subnetting Calculation

Subnetting Concept using FLSM    Generally, subnetting is a process to divide a network into multiple small networks. Subnetting helps to maximize IP addressing efficiency by reducing the wastage of IP addresses. FLSM (Fixed Length Subnet Mask) is one of the types of network subnetting. In FLSM the length of each subnetworks is fixed.   Based on the given case, class B address class is used as it is suitable for organizations with large networks likewise in the scenario. Class B network supports up to 65,536 hosts for each block whereby the network address ranges from to The suggested private IP address chosen for the OUM network is OUM consists of 3 faculties and 1 IT center where the OnlineLearning System server is located. Every faculty and IT center has their own particular network address. Steps for subnetting network using FLSM includes, first is finding the number of bits borrowed from host ID. Total number of subnet help to determine the